TGC Net Rule |
TGC is having 15 minutes `TGC-NET' pile up game on 40m band every Saturday morning, which start time is 07:00 JST
(Friday night 22:00 UTC), After 40m band `TGC-NET' is finished, sometimes additional `TGC-NET special stage(s) is/are held on other band(s). In that case, frequency(s) and its/their mode is/are announced at the end of regular 40m band's `TGC-NET'. |
***Anybody can participate in `TGC-NET'.*** |
Keystation of regular 40m band's `TGC-NET' decides operation frequency
instantly, and all station who participate are required to find the keystation
and call the keystation on the same frequency. Keystation negotiates with one of TGC members as a nextweek's keystation secretly after his/her operation is done. Keystaion can be other than TGC member. If any guest acted a keystation, he/she does not negotiate with the next keystation. In such case, previous keystation has to negotiate the next keystation. |
Good manner makes `TGC-NET' smart and more enjoyable one.
. When calling keystation in`TGC-NET' pile up game, say quickly your full callsign only once after keystation's `QRZ' statement to avoid masking keystation's call back. Do not make a late call nor repetition call. Do not make QRM to keystation. |
At each `TGC-NET', the first place station gets eleven points, the second place ten points, third place with nine,.......
the tenth place with two, and the eleven place or latter at one point Annual ranking results (open/regular stage, mobile stage, special stage) is posted at TGC booth of HAM Fair in every summer (usually August). And after that, new rankings are uploaded to TGC-WEB. TGC-NET fiscal year is July to next year's June. |
Commendation The first place winner and until the tenth place winner are awarded honorary certificate (paper). Sometimes plaques are offered to top winners if there is any donor(s) The annual ranking will be announced at the ham fair venue. However, due to a new coronavirus infection, we will not be exhibiting at the 2021 ham fair. Instead of an announcement, it will be posted on the website at the end of August. |
If you have any question or claim log data, please contact with webmaster by email by clicking the button. Whether the claim is accepted or not, it belongs to keystation's decision. Please make sure that your own email address, which is not a disposal one, is written on your email. |